Friday, February 12, 2010

Frankenstein Quotes No Care In The World What Does This Frankenstein Quote Mean? "But 'Paradise Lost' Excited And Far Deeper Emotions..."?

What does this Frankenstein quote mean? "But 'Paradise Lost' excited and far deeper emotions..."? - frankenstein quotes no care in the world

"But," Paradise Lost "very happy and deepest emotions. In reading, when I read the other volumes which had fallen into my hands, like a true story. He is above all feelings of admiration and wonder that the image in a war of Almighty God with his creatures was exciting od can. often on the situation of many, is their similarity, described what happened in my account. As Adam appears in a link in a different context, in existence, but his condition was very different from me in the rest. He had the hand of God a perfect creature, happy and prosperous, guarded by the care in particular, their creator, was permitted to entertain and to acquire superior knowledge of the nature of nature, but I was unhappy, helpless and alone . I often have asDered Satan as the fitter emblem of my condition as often as him when I saw the happiness of my protector, increased the bitterness of envy in me. "

So, what is the price for all this? What can you decipher them? Im not sure what is trying to say this quotation. Can someone please help??


Imaka said...

Adam is good, and it is exactly the opposite. Adam is God, whereas he is more like Satan.

Here are some study guides to give you the answer to your questions about Frankenstein. ... ... ... ...

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