Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Nvidia Vanta Video Adapter Why Can't I Play Runescape HD?

Why can't I play runescape HD? - nvidia vanta video adapter

I try almost everything, and I keep getting the same message. "Runescape was unable to display mode"
Can anyone play me step by step instructions on how to get my PC to rshd.

Computer Info

OS Windows XP Pro

Name of the card: NVIDIA Vanta / Vanta LT (Microsoft Corporation)

Video Processor: NVIDIA Vanta / Vanta LT

Manufacturer: NVIDIA

Architecture Video: VGA

DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC

Memory: 16MB

Memory Type: Unknown

Video Mode: 1024 x 768 x 4294967296 colors

Current Refresh Rate: 85 Hz

Driver Version:

Driver Date: 8/4/2004


Name: Plug and Play

Screen Height: 768

Width: 1024

Status: OK

Intel (R)
Pentium (R) 4 CPU 1.60GHz
1.59GHz, 640 MB RAM


Youri AK47 said...

Try to get the resolution of 800x 600, which is usually based on games

Go to Start>> Settings> Control Panel>> Video>> Settings>> 800 x 600, then>> implement>> OK

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